
Jun 12, 08:30 PM

Vanitas, the latin word for evanescence.

It just came to my mind, I was thinking about our blog and how rarely we write in there. Each day that passes and we don’t fill the Deep Green Sea, is part of evanescence, of perishability… our words, our thoughts, our feelings, our life. Nothing remains, except memories in our minds, which also sometimes… sometimes fade over time, vanish into in the Sea Of Oblivion.

Meh, these words sound… I don’t know… like I was on drugs. Like I had a dream trip into a land far away from reality…





say something

  1. So you think nothing remains of the days that we don’t write about here? Let me retort: They are saved elsewhere. In memory, yes, if nothing else. Should a blog contain a chronicle of everyday life?

    — Malte · Jun 15, 01:24 AM · #

  2. No, that’s not what I meant, that we should fill the blog with our everyday life.

    The fact, that we don’t write something every day led me to a “moment of thoughts”, thoughts of evanescence and where all what happens in our life is stored then. The word Vanitas just came to my mind, because I remembered our arts lessons in school years ago… (Vanitas is kind of an arts style too) and what I connect with it.

    But you’re right, it seems like I referred only to this blog.

    I don’t want this blog to become a diary with lists of what we had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and what we did then and there and yackety-yak…

    — Hannah · Jun 16, 10:46 AM · #

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