Creativity void

Nov 9, 08:50 PM

My creative productivity index is going down. When I’m busy, with university for instance, when I’m out every day and my mind is kept in a whir all the time, then when I find time alone, quiet time… I mostly just waste it doing nothing in particular (gaming, playing guitar, sleeping). I need that time too, otherwise my head would explode.

So, these days I’ve been busy. The perl course is taking up all my mental resources, and during breaks I just need to relax. I don’t think about thinking anymore… Inventing haikus doesn’t happen by accident anymore.

This is not meant as an excuse, but an explanation. The days of the frequent haikus will return, though, I’m sure. For now, I will stick to posting those which are older, but which you haven’t seen yet.

For example:

By the ways of war
we conquer each other’s hearts
and bury them here




say something

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