
Jun 12, 08:30 PM

Vanitas, the latin word for evanescence.

It just came to my mind, I was thinking about our blog and how rarely we write in there. Each day that passes and we don’t fill the Deep Green Sea, is part of evanescence, of perishability… our words, our thoughts, our feelings, our life. Nothing remains, except memories in our minds, which also sometimes… sometimes fade over time, vanish into in the Sea Of Oblivion.

Meh, these words sound… I don’t know… like I was on drugs. Like I had a dream trip into a land far away from reality…




say something [2]



Apr 29, 02:37 PM

Wasted hours and days
do do not do not do do
can I go now please?



say something [1]


Berlin, Berlin

Apr 3, 10:36 PM

Greetings from Berlin! Since March 2nd, I am here in Germany’s capital. I’m doing an internship in the Berlin Museum of Natural History. Well, not in the museum itself but in the research department.

I like it very much here, it’s a good thing to spend some time outside of Muenster. Just to get an insight into another institute, another city, another surroundings, another life(style). Berlin is very different from such a “little” city like Muenster. So many places which are so contrasty when comparing them.

Berlin is very inspiring… regarding creativity. My mind is making up new ideas every day!

I hope I’ll make use of them sometime.

Sorry, that I didn’t feed the blog with news lately… I’m angry about it! But time will come and change and then I want to try to write one haiku a day, for… let’s say a month (a whole year probably would be exaggerated).

I’m looking forward to reanimate our little deepgreensea!



say something


Feb 20, 07:52 PM

An instant haiku from Friday:

Music from the Moon
shattering the galaxies
the stars are fading

A slightly different version:

Music from the Moon
silencing the galaxies
the stars are fading

Which sounds better?



say something


Haiku The Fish

Feb 16, 07:59 PM

I have a fortune teller in my panel, a cute goldfish, which is telling one of our idontknowhowmuch haikus whenever clicking on it.

I just did so and the haiku of the day is:

Still waters are deep
and in the deep lies a truth
never rising up

An old one. I think it’s of 2009.

Actually, we intended to start a project called “One haiku a day” or “Daily haiku”, whatever. Each one of us should write… yeah, as it says, one haiku a day.

Until now, we didn’t manage it. Maybe in March?



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